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PARASITES THERAPEUTIC PACKAGE (8 PRODUCTS INCLUDED) is a regimen that assist with making your body an inhospitable environment for unwelcome intruders (parasites). A significant number of people in the U.S. have experienced parasites infestation. Though some relatively harmless parasites commonly inhabit the human body, too many and/or the wrong kind can cause health problems involving many of your body’s organs and systems: brain, nerves, skin, stomach/intestines, kidneys, liver, circulatory, respiratory, etc. The damage caused by these parasites can weaken your immune system.
A “parasite” is an organism that feeds on other organisms, called “hosts.” Parasites can include worms (like hookworms), single-cell organisms (like protozoa), and other organisms. A variety of parasites are capable of entering the human body, feeding on the foods you consume and digest, and occasionally damaging cells, tissues, and organs. Many parasites cause minimal damage, because they want their hosts to survive and continue to be a source of nutrition; the parasites also want the hosts to reproduce, creating more hosts. However, other parasites can be far more DESTRUCTIVE and can cause REAL DAMAGE.
Parasites can be contracted via contaminated water, sex, meat (especially raw or undercooked meat), fruits, and vegetables, as well as from animals and from other HUMANS. Transmission of parasites in the U.S. usually occurs through insufficient hand-washing hygiene, from insect bites, or from swimming in lakes, ponds, and rivers where parasites exist. Frequently, traveling to less-developed countries where clean water is hard to obtain can result in contracting parasites.
Parasites and worms may be found anywhere in the body from head to toe and may be the unknown and/or hidden cause of many health issues.